
'Australia' - Improved Words

History of 'Australia'

Improved Words Explained

Listen to 'Australia'

VoteWrap Method

Musical Score

Title Colours

Earlier Versions



'Anthem Australia' Plan

Represent 'Anthem Australia'

Democracy Is Not Free

About 'Anthem Australia'

'Anthem Australia'

'Anthem Australia' was founded in 2001 with the creation of 'Australia' by . In 2003 'Anthem Australia' was registered with the Queensland Office of Fair Trading. All donated funds will be spent in accord with the of 'Anthem Australia'.

Currently 'Anthem Australia' is a small informal network of Australians. However, as soon as possible, 'Anthem Australia' plans to register as an incorporated Not-For-Profit organisation. Prerequisites for registration are:

  • A minimum of seven Australian citizens volunteering to become foundation members.

  • Creation and ratification via of a constitution for 'Anthem Australia' that ensures that all Australians have equal access to participate in the operation of 'Anthem Australia' and that all issues are transparently progressed on their merits.

  • Donation of sufficient funds and/or resources to meet the set-up costs and cover operational expenses for at least one year.

Contact Anthem Australia

Coordinator - Thor Prohaska
  • Email: c o o r d @ a n t h e m . n e t . a u (Spaces added to reduce auto SPAM - remove to make address valid)

  • Mobile Phone: 0419 344 806
